Cleaning Out Your Inbox
by Alice Shaffer
For the past few weeks, we have been sharing Spring Cleaning tips. Have you ever considered spring cleaning your email boxes? Recently I dealt with 12,000 emails in one of my gmail accounts. I decided to check out the filters that I had not been utilizing. I set up a Google Reader for all the blogs that I follow, so I did not get daily updates from them which clogged my inbox. To learn how to set up your own Google Reader read this.
I found the following article Email Zen: Cleaning Out Your Inbox on Zen Habits , regarding your email inbox and cleaning it out!
I use Gmail exclusively for email, and it constitutes a major part of my two day jobs. I get a fair amount of email each hour, and I am pretty quick at responding.
However, one thing you’ll notice about my Gmail inbox is that it is just about always empty.
It gives me a Zen feeling to have a clean inbox, a feeling of peace and calm and satisfaction. I highly recommend it to everyone. I wasn’t always like this — I had many emails in my inbox in the past. They would sit in there, sometimes unread, sometimes just waiting on an action, sometimes waiting to be filed, and others just waiting because I was procrastinating. I also had many folders for filing my email, so I could find them when I needed them. It would take me awhile to file sometimes, so I would put it off. Many people I know are the same way.