January went by in a flurry of snowflakes so here are the links from this weeks articles just in case you missed something.

Monday Moxie: Nannies from the Heartland shared a timely article about nannies and snow day pay.
Tuesday Tips: Kari Ewest offered some great ways to start off 2011 eating healthier.
Creative Nanny Wednesday: It’s Winter Time but the birds still have to eat. Nanny Gael Ann shared some great ideas that she found on other blogs for feeding the birds in Winter.
Table Talk Thursday: Greta introduced us to Tara McClintick and her books for autistic children. There is also a give away associated with this post so be sure to post your comments on this post so that you can be entered to receive one of Tara’s books.
Finanicial Friday: Breedlove and Associates shared some important information about how to confirm that your taxes are being withheld.
Next week Kellie will have another article about the Anatomy of Work Agreement. Greta will share some more of her favorite things, Nanny Gael Ann will have a Valentine Smilebox to inspire you to do some projects for Valentines Day and Alice will be giving us information on IRAs.
We hope you will join us and tell your friends about us.
Also, don’t forget to enter the Thursday give away. Here is the link: