Many folks have a pile of gift cards from places laying around that they got from their Aunt or Grandma for their birthday that they will never use. It is $50 to the Shaggy Dog Cafe. Well there are places that will allow you to “collect” on that gift card so it doesn’t go to a complete waste for you. Over at FrequentMiler on Boarding Area he shares with you how you can buy/sell gift cards. By doing this you can also improve your credit card spending to gain elite status, earn rewards and other items on your credit cards. The end result should never be to increase your debt but there are ways to gain the most from your “reward” credit cards and airline programs smartly. I know that I have purchased gift cards on my credit cart to earn more cash back. It is a win win situation for me. I pay it off and earn money on it as well.
This is a blip about what Frequent Miler is about:
Welcome to the Frequent Miler blog! This blog is for travel hackers who are looking for creative new ways to earn miles and points. For example, you will find a series of posts about the search for the Perfect Perpetual Point Machine. A perpetual point machine (PPM) is a technique for earning miles and points over and over with minimal cost or effort. Another series you will find here is aboutGift Card Churning. Gift card churning is the process of earning points and miles for buying, upgrading, and using or selling gift cards. Yes, it is possible to create a PPM out of a clever gift card churn, but not all PPMs involve gift cards and not all gift card churns are perpetual.
Gift Card Churning is a great way to make money and save money. There are two awesome posts on gift card churning.
….In the post “Top 20 best value gift cards” I showed that it is sometimes possible to buy gift cards for the same price or less than you can sell them. A big advantage of merchant gift cards for buying and selling is that they are usually sold with no shipping or handling costs and with no sales tax. By wisely buying and selling gift cards it is possible to drive up spending on your credit cards and get most, if not all, of your money back for paying off the bills.
To read the rest of this please visit
Churning merchant gift cards
There was a follow up to this post just yesterday that explains some more about churning gift cards. Frequent Miler shared a “cheat sheet” with links and rates on it.
To read this post please visit:
Gift cards: buy low, sell high, get cash back
introduction by Alice Shaffer
Regarding Nannies Development Team Member