by Tracey Chipps
One of the words I dislike seeing or hearing is the word BORED. When someone uses that word to describe themselves it gives an appearance of lacking creativity or lack of initiative and ambition. It is a dis to yourself. When employers are hiring their ads often request a “self motivator”. Those who are chronic in complaining of being bored are definitely not going to be the type of person they chose to fill the position. Start the New Year off with a new outlook and a new attitude toward life and how you spend your time! You will find that it will improve all aspects of your world and your zest will be restored.
- “I’m home with the kids and I’m bored”-You are with children! How can you possibly be bored? There are never enough precious moments with children whether they are your own, your charge, or your niece or nephew. Each age is unique and they will only be that age once so enjoy each opportunity you have to spend time with them. If they are your own children keep in mind that they won’t be living at home forever…one day you will miss the sounds of their feet running down the hallway and those hand-prints on the window. Bored should never be a word to describe you time with children. Talk with them….real talk. What are their current interests, what are they learning at school, who are their closest friends, what are their fear, their dreams, their ideas? Try playing a board game or making up a game of your own, create something out of a cardboard box, read together, take a walk, cuddle, practice writing silly words, cut pictures out of magazines or tell them stories from their childhood. For the babies try infant massage, singing to them, make silly sounds and watch their expressions, play different types of music and look for a reaction. There is never a dull or bored moment to be had with children if you take time to work with them.
- “I’m home alone and I’m bored”-Clean your dirty house! You know it needs it. Pick up that book that has been waiting for you. Send a thinking of you card to a friend far away, try a new hair style or experiment with your make-up, write, exercise, create, volunteer, make a list of goals and plan accordingly, surf the need for topics of interest and see where it leads you. Have you thought of joining a group? Try www.meetup.com and see what is in your community. The opportunities are endless!
- “I’m at work and I’m bored”-Really? There is ALWAYS something to be done in your workplace or a business. If your responsibilities have been completed ask how you may help someone else. Look around. See that full dishwasher? See that dust, trash, or disorganization? Take care of it. Your employer will be glad you did and will appreciate your work ethic. Bond with co-workers…it’s a worthwhile investment! Look online for topics relating to the business or field in which you are currently working. Perhaps bringing new ideas to your employers will lead you places!
Just do something…being active and productive is good for your mind, body, and soul. You are smarter, kinder, more intelligent and more creative than to label yourself as bored.
If ever you find yourself BORED let me know. I can find PLENTY for you to do. Have a happy and active 2013!
Tracey Chipps has been a Professional Career Nanny for 18 years. During her career she has worked with a variety of types of families. She has experience with typically developing children as well as those with special needs. Tracey is the founder of Triangle Area Nanny Group (T.A.N.G.) in Durham, NC. If you would like more information on joining T.A.N.G, please email TANGnanny (at) gmail (dot) com . In the Spring of 2012 Tracey acquired her business license for Nanny 919, LLC, and is anxiously awaiting the grand opening.
Get a pit bull it will keep you busy! All babies need puppies.
Good article and good job. People should really learn something from this article.