How long have you been a nanny, or how long were you a nanny? I am going on 20 years of being a nanny!!
What is a highlight of your nanny career? So many things!! As a caregiver I have been proud of many accomplishments big and small, from good manners to jumping off the high dive to speeches. Mostly I am proud that I have helped to raise amazing, independent, caring kids. As a professional the highlight has to be each year when I look out into the crowd of another conference and see how many amazing nannies come together to learn and laugh for the weekend. Blows me away every year!
How did you come up with the idea for Nannypalooza? The idea grew when I attended a local training day for the New Jersey support group. Amazing nanny Andrea Flagg put together this great day for very little money for her nannies. I thought the idea could be larger but still stay inexpensive. I pitched the idea to Lora Brawley and she booked a hotel. I thought she was crazy to put us on the line for a $7500 catering bill. But we built it- believed in it and it has just kept growing.
What is your level of monetary investment and have you seen a profit? I can’t tell you how much money- but somehow it mostly breaks even. The profits are huge though in the things I have learned and the energy it gives me.
What is the purpose of Nannypalooza? I hope to inspire nannies mostly. I work hard to create an environment where nannies can come together and learn and recharge. I hope that when you leave on Sunday afternoon you just can’t wait to get to work again!
How has the nanny industry received Nannypalooza? The feedback has been amazing!! So many people want to help and really believe in what I am trying to accomplish. People want to be a part of it!
What words of wisdom do you have for others, who may have a product/service and wish to expand its market? I am not sure I have any wisdom except to keep going. To believe in your vision and don’t let anyone tell you that it is not possible.
We love you, Sue! Thanks so much for Nannypalooza! Can’t wait or this years’s conference!