Many nanny friends and others have been choosing a healthier eating lifestyle. But have you ever noticed all the “fancy” words on a menu? I came across a great menu “decoder” to help with making the healthier choices. Darya Rose of the blog The Summer Tomato has recently written a new book called : Foodist: Using Real Food and Real Science to Lose Weight Without Dieting. Foodist shares the secrets of restaurant menuspeak and how to eat healthy.
Deciphering what is healthy on a menu is not always straightforward. Restaurants have made an art of luring you in with their words and making dishes sound absolutely irresistible, regardless of how they actually taste. Another problem is that dishes that should be healthy, for instance, a Thai chicken salad, are often loaded with secret ingredients (usually extra sugar, salt, and processed oils) that actually cause them to clock in at way over the number of calories you’d expect (according to the nutrition facts, the Thai chicken salad at California Pizza Kitchen has 1,160 calories).
to read the complete article please visit:
How to Decode “Menuspeak” and Navigate Any Restaurant Menu
and to read more from Darya Rose visit her blog The Summer Tomato