I was blog hopping the other week to see what was out there and ran across the blog, Fun-A-Day and wished that I nannied younger preschool aged kids and not teenagers! There are so many great ideas on this blog for anyone with young children! My favorite was Teaching Children About Letters . Mary Catherine who runs the blog has some many awesome unique ideas I have never thought of or seen.
I love the activity about Letters and Holes and the Name Kit. What are your favorites?
When I say “teaching children about letters”, I am referring to letter identification, letter sounds, and the use of letters to make up words.
How Children Learn
Young children love exploring the world around them, and they learn so much by doing just that! I’m sure you’ve heard that kiddos are like “little sponges”, and that is surely the truth! They absorb knowledge through observing adults and peers, playing, and using their five senses. Real, meaningful experiences are essential to a young child’s learning process
Pick the letter and have her distinguish the name (and even the sound). At that point go on a forager chase around the house to find questions that have that letter imprinted on them. One more day, circumvent the house and distinguish objects that begin with the letter sound. Make list cards with that word on it and settle it to the question (for instance, on “L” week, mark and distinguish “light”).