Dr. Deborah Gilboa aka “Doctor G” was the keynote speaker at the International Nanny Conference in April 2013 brought so much to the industry with her 3 basics of the “3 R’s” Resilience, Responsibility and Respect. I found an article of her’s in the Huffington Post about kids and television watching. I found it very thought provoking. I do remember as a child watching certain television shows , but not hours and hours like today’s kids do.
Make no mistake. Kids are affected by what they watch. Preschoolers have a direct linkbetween TV hours and the amount of sugary snacks and soda they consume. Watching violence on TV increases violent behavior and tolerance of becoming a victim. Viewing characters who smoke on the screen more than quintuples the risk that a teen will start smoking. Teens (ages 12-17) who view heavy sexual content on TV are twice as likely to step up their level of intimacy or start having sex than those who watch less.
To read the rest of the article please visit the Huffington Post:
Rules Can’t ‘Fix’ Kids and TV
What are your thoughts on the article?
If you are interested in learning more about Dr. G you can sign up for her 3rd and last webinar of the INA’s Fall Learning Series on Sunday November 10, 2014 at 9pm EST. For more information and for signing up.