It is with great regret that Alice and I announce that we have decided to close Regarding Nannies effective immediately. We have enjoyed the past four years spent with all our loyal readers and fans. We couldn’t have gotten this far without Glenda Propst, who had a vision for what our industry needed, and Regarding Nannies was born. We’ve enjoyed bringing you features and information each week, but we find that our passion is taking us into different paths.
But we won’t be far away. Alice will be coming to a city near year as she is joining a circus as the Sword Swallowing Madame. Watch for her in her Raffle Queen Tutu as she enthralls crowds in cities across the country. She’s hoping her nephews Atticus and Holden will join her as her assistants. Kellie left the INA Conference to immediately begin filming the latest season of Survivor – ‘Seasoned’ Nannies vs New Nannies … Who will be the Ultimate Super Nanny?!? Contestants are put to the test of taming a two year old during a tantrum, dealing with a house full of relatives come to visit – with kids, and the never ending Snow Days!!!! Cheer Kellie on as she Outwits, Outlasts and Outplays!
If you’ve read this far, then hopefully you’ve realized APRIL FOOLS!
Alice and I look forward to celebrating FIVE years of Regarding Nannies in July, and we hope you’ll continue to join us for the adventure.
Now on to our regularly scheduled post …
7 Things to Do After Conference
Today we are rerunning one of our popular posts from former development team member, Greta on what to do after conference. She is sharing her life as Momma to her adorable sons, Isaac and Luke, on her blog, Project Momma among other things. This post originally appeared April 2013 in response to the International Nanny Association’s 28th Annual Conference. INA recently held their 29th Annual Conference in Los Angeles, as well as hundreds of nannies gathered April 12 for the third annual National Nanny Training Day.
I usually debrief my trip on the plane ride home. I’ll journal and make a “to do” list. I was able to drive to this conference and now find my mind still swimming with the information, ideas, and memories. So as I process, I thought that I would share it …via the blogosphere.
3. Connect online
Lay out the business cards you collected and/or the contact list of attendees (if available). Take some time to find these new friends with social media whether it be linked in, facebook, twitter, etc. Send a message to the ones that you had a nice connection with and would like to stay in touch. You may even want to share pictures or write a hand-written note.
OMG! You totally had me!?! Could be that I’m up nursing at 3:00 am so glad RN is not ending! Such an amazing resource for the nanny industry.
Oh, boy, I am such a patsy! I came rushing right over here to thank you for your years of service, and to ask if the website would remain up with all the wonderful and helpful articles that you have posted in the past! And this was just after finishing making foil-wrapped plates of brown “e”s for the kids!
Very funny ladies! Give yourselves a pat on the back cause I fell for it hook, line and sinker!
Good one!
You didn’t fool me because I know you two better than that but oh so funny!
Good job!
Not cool at all. I almost cried when I saw the title of the article. And then I started reading and cried for different reasons! I think the Survivor series sounds like fun though
WAHHHHH this made me crazy sad when I first read the headline!!! MAN DONT DO THAT to me again LOL great one guys
I knew this couldn’t be since I was sure the two of you would have told me . . . but it did make my heart skip a beat. NOT funny ladies . . . ok, a bit funny but never do this to us again! I mean it! Hugs to you both!