Our friends over at HomeWork Solutions wrote a great article on emergency contact forms and caregivers. Everyone should have an emergency contact sheet when they start their position. Make sure to update it every six months or so. Often we forget about those “forms” in the car when we update our cell phone contact list or other items in the house with revised phone numbers and addresses. To get one please visit the one that HomeWork Solutions has Emergency Contacts list
Consider the story of our clients Mike and Maryanne. Maryanne is an elementary school teacher. Mike is retired, and is living with early-onset dementia and diabetes. Maryanne and Mike hired a daily caregiver to keep Mike company and supervise his day while Maryanne is at work.
The caregiver’s duties include helping Mike take his medication every day at lunch. Maryanne prepares a weekly “pill box” for the caregiver. About a month after the caregiver began working, she noticed that the pill box was not in its ususal location on top of the refrigerator.