If you haven’t taken this survey, please take a moment and answer the questions.
Hi, my name is Maryam Moody and I am an MSW candidate at Smith College School for Social Work. I am conducting an online survey to find out how socioeconomic differences affect relationships between nannies and employers. The goal of this research is to improve understanding of power dynamics in cross-class employment relationships.
The experiences of childcare providers have been under-researched. I seek a diverse set of nannies with a minimum of one week’s experience providing paid childcare in an employer’s home for a non-relative child aged 5 or younger. Participants fill out an anonymous online survey that takes less than 10 minutes to complete. The survey is available until March 2015 and can be accessed via http://nannysurvey.weebly.com. All survey results will be anonymous, and no identifying information will be collected. All data gathered will be kept strictly confidential and then destroyed.
This study looks at the impact of socioeconomic disparity on nanny-employer relations. The more nannies that participate, the more the results will benefit the broader group of domestic workers. It is my hope that the information gathered will improve our understanding of nannies’ experiences of cross-class employment relationships, and ideally lend more support for advocacy efforts by and for domestic workers.