As many of us know, kids dislike having to do chores-lets be honest as well-adults dislike them too. But “chores” are a vital part of being a family and making things work. But at what age do you start the lifelong skill of doing houshold chores? I recently found a great article that shares a bunch of ideas on chores for kids starting at age 2 by Kids Activity Blog
Each school year, chores change for each child based on their grade and maturity level. As a mom, you know what your child can or can’t handle. Middle school girls can do their own laundry…middle school boys? That’s questionable. And I always have to remind myself, don’t fret if they do a horrible job with a task. Have patience and show them how to do it – they will get it eventually.
Lastly, don’t give in when they whine or complain. My children know it is expected of them. And the earlier you start, the more normal it is for them to help out around the house.