As many know both Kellie and myself along with our founder Glenda Propst have a deep and rich history embedded in the nanny industry. All 3 of us are lifelong members of the International Nanny Association (INA) among many other nanny groups. INA is where we met Greta back in Dallas Texas at an INA conference-we all 3 were blown away by her and asked her to join us at Regarding Nannies.
This year INA celebrated 30 years of being an association in the nanny industry-not a simple task for any group for sure. Our conference was held in Cancun Mexico. It was a wonderful conference and we met many new faces to INA and to the nanny industry. In 2016, the INA will hold their 31st Annual Conference in Reston, VA -May 12-12, in a suburb of DC. DC is also home to ADCAN, the Association of DC Area Nannies, the oldest nanny support group known in the US. They are celebrating 30 years this year as well.
Many of have asked Why should I join INA? I asked fellow INA member Elika Kabui to share the Top 10 reasons Professional Nannies should join INA.
Here is one of the reasons:
As career Nannies we all hit the point when the support of other nannies is just what we needed at that moment to get through that day. We have to deal with some tough things. Dropping our charges off to the other parent in front of the Police station during an ugly custody battle, attending the funeral of one of our tiny and beloved Nanny kids, or being let go from our nanny family after 10 years really hurts. Having the support and connection or just a shoulder to cry on is sometimes all we need to get through the day. The support from other Nannies who understand our feelings is truly irreplaceable.
Membership to the INA for an individual nanny is $45 a year. Have you wondered what the benefits to being a member are? This is something that is very affordable each year and also a great gift for a nanny employee or a fellow nanny as a gift.