This has been another great week on Regarding Nannies!
Make sure to stop by and leave your comments! Our contributors love hearing from you our readers on their contributions and ideas. Please spread the word on the articles via the ReTweet button and the Share This button at the bottom of the articles. This helps others find out about Regarding Nannies and the awesome blog posts we offer. Thank you for your continued support of us!
Monday Moxie: To Be Or Not Be A Celebrity Nanny by Katie Vaughan
Tuesday Tips: Earth Day Tips For A Longer Use Of The Earth by Alice Shaffer
Creative Nanny Wednesday: Pasta Butterfly by Nanny Gael Ann & her “creative assistant”
Table Talk Thursday: Reflecting back on 2009: Mary Ann X Meddish INA NOTY
Financial Friday: $79.99 for $100 worth of Check Certificates for the Hyatt Hotels. This is great for the upcoming INA Conference, or your summer vacations!