As we are winding down 2014, many of us are looking at ways to save money in 2015. Over at the Censtible Life wrote a great “money makeover” article for 2013. Sure it is almost 2015, but money and making budgets same pretty much the same year after year.
So while the year is coming to a close head over to the Centsible Life and check out her Money Makeover series for 2013 among her other tips on Money.
Throughout the next year I’ll be sharing some ways you can make a big difference in your finances in 2013. Each month will have a different focus, and I’ll share actionable steps you (and I) can take to improve our finances in 2013.
To start it’s a great time to re-evaluate your budget by setting up a year-long budget for 2013, and evaluating your current debt.