This applies to all types of childcare options for families. Make sure to share this with those that have children in daycare as well. We are sharing a portion of a post from the INA Blog:
We (INA) are extremely pleased to report that INA’s ongoing lobbying effort to increase the federal Child and Dependent Care Tax Credit (CDCTC) has resulted in three bills in Congress in support of our position! The bills, H.R. 460 and H.R. 1500 in the House and S. 210 in the Senate, all seek to raise the amount of childcare expenses eligible for the credit as well as the percentage of those expenses eligible for the credit. This is excellent news! As you may know, currently the CDCTC provides a minimum credit to working families of 20% of the first $3,000 spent on childcare for each of the family’s first two children per year. The CDCTC has not been increased in years, and thus it does not even begin to cover a family’s childcare costs.
To read the rest of the article and how to write your congressmen please visit INA Lobbying Efforts need your help to increase Child and Dependent Care Tax Credit . It is under the Host to host an NNRW event video.
Remember to share with all involved in the childcare. Those that pay for childcare and those that give childcare.