Greta Schraer of interviewed the Regarding Nannies Team members to give you an in depth look at who they are.
Meet Regarding Nanny: Kellie Geres
Wow! What a year this has been. One year of Regarding Nannies. It’s been a whirlwind ride, and I’m hanging on, looking forward to this next year.
When you aren’t Nannying or writing for Regarding Nannies, how do you spend your time?
Writing and working on the blog every week takes a lot of time, but when not working on Regarding Nannies, I can usually be found on my computer, typing away on ADCAN – Association of DC Area Nannies business, as I serve as the current president. I’m honored to be part of an amazing group in the DC area, which celebrates its 25th year in September. I also enjoy traveling, spending time with family in Richmond and in Minnesota where I grew up. I’m close with all my family, and live the furthest away from everyone, so I treasure the time we have together. My grandmother and I are very close. I have learned so much from her, and we share a love of reading. I’m an avid reader – I am never without a good book, or two or three. My other favorite past time is scrapbooking – I love to scrapbook – wish I made more time to do that. I enjoy making books for others and my greatest scrapbook accomplishment was a Heritage Album for my grandmothers 85th Birthday, spanning her life and the lives of family members.
How have your relationships with children changed you as a person?
Being a nanny for 21 years, I’ve learned a few things about myself and children …
Patience is a virtue
Caring for teenagers really does cause gray hair
Porta-potty’s really do look like refrigerators
Melting ice cubes on a hot day in Atlanta can entertain a four year old for long periods of time
My family will never understand what I do, but love me anyway
I know I would not be the person nor nanny I am today without having had the opportunity to work with five amazing families these past 21 years, and have engaged and helped shape the lives of 10 unique and outstanding children – ranging in ages 14-25 presently. I do not have my own children but each of the ten I have cared for hold a special place in my heart and have inspired me in ways I could never have imagined.
What do you hope to be remembered for by your charges and those close to you?
I hope to be remembered as someone who touched the lives of many and never disappointed. I want to be remembered for my sense of humor, my creativity, my love of family and friends, having a diet coke for breakfast and have friends who will toast to me with a margarita or a great glass of Riesling. That I was the first to raise my hand when there was a project to be done, and a great date was a movie and Red Lobster with my nieces. That I laughed often, loved unconditionally and lived with no regrets, other than I’m still waiting for that stamp in my passport that says I’ve been to Italy. That I contributed to the greater picture of things, was a doer not a watcher and could make people laugh.
Since starting Regarding Nannies, how have you been affected or influenced?
It amazes me that people are interested in what we have to say, and come back day after day to see what’s happening in our little corner called Regarding Nannies. That something I write influences another nanny to be better in her job/life/profession and that I played a small part in that, truly amazes me. Working with two other women I respect and enjoy working with day after day is an added bonus, and how we balance and compliment each others’ work only adds to the depth of our friendships.
What are you excited about this coming year?
Each New Year brings change and challenges. My job is a daily challenge – my charges are 14 and 16 years – enough said J I’m excited to be continuing into my seventh year with this family – making this the longest period of time I will have worked with one family.
Since turning 40, I made a promise to myself to take a real vacation every year – other than visiting family or friends. I’m taking ME time – and still plan on going to Italy some day!
I always say I’m going to stop taking projects on, but I will continue my third term as ADCAN president, work with Glenda Propst on the INA Service Award Pin Program for 2011, I am the newsletter editor for the INAVision – official newsletter of the International Nanny Association, I moderate Nanny Island, maintain numerous blogs including Nanny Groups, NNRW, ADCAN, and my personal blog All Things Nanny. I love the projects I do that keep me busy and connected in the nanny industry.
And I’m excited to see where Regarding Nannies will go this next year. We’ve only tapped a small portion of all there is out there that affects us personally and professionally and there is always new information becoming available. I look forward to sharing that, encouraging others and leading by example.
Today’s Giveaway Winner
We could not be the success we are without our followers of our blog, and we have an amazing 172 that bring us into their lives via Google reader, Twitter and Feedburner email subscriptions with every post. We took those and put them in and chose one person that will receive their choice of 2~ Regarding Nannies mug, tote bag or notebook.
please contact us at regardingnannies (at) gmail (dot) com with your choices
Here are some more birthday notes from Regarding Nannies readers and friends…
Dear Alice, Glenda, and Kellie, Congratulations on the anniversary of Regarding Nannies! And thank you so much for providing this ongoing collection of helpful, practical information for nannies of all experience levels! I am constantly sending people to read one archived post or another, when they contact me with concerns or issues. Of course I advise subscribing to the blog to everyone on my email list as a matter of course, too! Thanks again for all your dedicated service to nannies!
Janice St. Clair
Founder and Facilitator of Boston Area Nanny Support Group (BANSG)
Nanny in Boston, MA
Glenda, Kellie and Alice – Thanks for all that you do for the nanny community! Your example commands that nannies hold themselves with high regard and do all they can to make our industry better. You’re teaching the next generation of nannies well!
Michelle LaRowe
International Nanny Association Executive Director
Hyannis, MA
Dear Glenda, Kellie, and Alice, I can’t believe it’s been a year already. Congrats on such a wonderful blog, and making a difference in the lives of so many nannies.
Marni Kent
Nanny in San Francisco, CA
I would like to take a minute to thank all of you for the fantastic job you all do for the Nanny Profession. Happy Birthday Regarding Nannies. I look forward to many more years of reading wonderful articles.
Anne-Marie Stanley
Lynn, Massachusetts
Alice, Glenda and Kellie, thank you so much for all the work you do! The three of you should feel so proud on this very special day. I know that so many nannies out there now have a way to feel more connected to the nanny profession and other nannies because of the hard work you share with us each day. Happy Birthday!
You are such a wonderful person and nanny. You hard work will inspire nannies to do better.
I loved meeting Kellie today, she is the one owner i didnt know as well. I am very happy for you girls!
Great article! I am just one of the many millions who love Kellie!
In my next life- I hope she will be my nanny! ;-D