What’s more fun than stickers??? Making your own lick-and-stick stickers–that’s what!
It’s super easy…all you need is some clip art (or magazine cutouts), boiling water, and a box of Jello. And it is TONS cheaper than buying stickers at the store!
Nanny April is our Nannycrafter today and she used the directions below to create the “adhesive” for this Alphabet Book project she is doing with her charges.
Here’s what you’ll need:
Clip-art printed on cardstock
1 T. Jello
2 T. boiling water
and a paintbrush
1. Boil a small amount of water. You’ll only need 2 tablespoons for one “batch” of adhesive. Obviously, this is not a step that your child should help with!
2. Mix 1 tablespoon Jello with 2 tablespoons of (boiled) water.

3. Let it cool for just a minute or so and then let your child “paint” it onto the back of your paper printed with clipart.
They happen to taste rather delightful! And they really do adhere well. They will slide a little right at first while still “wet” but once they are dry…they’re stuck for good!
We’d love to hear some of your ideas for what you could create with these lick and stickers!
The possibilities are endless!
The possibilities are endless!
Thanks April for being our Nanny Crafter today.
April Krause (Gradowski) is currently a live-out nanny for a 5 year old and a 3 year old in Northville, Michigan. She received a Bachelor of Arts from Albion College in 2005. She attended the English Nanny and Governess School in Chagrin Falls, Ohio. After completing her nanny training she worked in the Washington D.C. area for a family with three girls. She then was the lead teacher in a 2 year old classroom for a day care center in Westland, Michigan. April currently lives in Livonia, Michigan, is married to a wonderful man, and has 2 step-daughters and a cat. She serves on theMichigan Professional Nanny Association (MPNA) Board of Directors and participates in several national and international nanny support forums.
(If you would like to be one of our NannyCrafters, just email Glenda(at)regardingnannies(dot)com
If you are concerned about privacy issues, we can always block the faces. Here at Regarding Nannies we believe it is very important to protect the privacy of the families we work with and no child’s pictures are used without parental permission)
That looks so fun, Nannycrafter and charges!