by Amanda Schultz

Are you looking for something fun and educational to do with your older charges this summer? Try Postcrossing! Everyone loves getting mail and this is a great way for your charges to practice their writing skills. Postcrossing is a worldwide community of people who send and receive postcards. You can decide to get cards from the USA or internationally. I would suggest you start with the USA so you can receive cards more quickly for the summer. You can always change it to international later on.
Signing up for Postcrossing is an easy process for you and the children. Filling out the profile will help other Postcrossers know what kind of cards you would like to receive. You might not always get what you want but it gives the mailer a place to start when looking at postcards. You start by sending 5 cards, each has a specific code so they can be registered by the receiver. Have your charge write a little about themselves or things they have in common with the person they are writing to or something they like about the cards destination. Once the card is registered on the site your address is sent to someone else so they can send you a card. Make sure you put that this is a child’s project so you don’t get any inappropriate cards. Also, decide if you want the cards delivered to your home or the child’s home.
This project is a great way to find out new things about your charge. Do they want to see the Grand Canyon or the Liberty Bell or the great Sequoia trees? Would they like to visit a certain state, attend a festival or see a national monument? If you have the room you can hang a large map of the US and flag the places you send and receive cards.
I have been a member for a little over a year and have received postcards from 17 different countries, 2 cards from nannies in Switzerland and Germany, and learned how to spell “NiteNanny” in Chinese. I have posted some of the cards I received at my Nite Owl Nanny blog I would be happy to send your charge a card to get them started. Send me a message at with your address and a few things about your charge and I’ll try to find a great card for them. Happy Postcrossing!!!