It is that time again! Let’s get to know another nanny who spends her days loving and caring for children. Regarding Nannies loves to celebrate the professional role of a nanny and hope we hope that you are inspired by the everyday acts of nannies like you. She is an active member of ADCAN.
How long have you been in the nanny industry? I have been in the nanny industry for 24 years, and am proud to say that I have also been in “childcare” since I was 12 years old.
What are 3 unique characteristics about you, that you strive to pass along to the children in your care? Most of the children are adults and have graduated from college. I know that because of me and what I bring to the “nanny table” they are respectful, self-confident and independent individuals.
What is the most rewarding thing about your career as a Nanny? When I see the kids I have taken care of in the past. I am so proud of how they have grown up. I know that I had a part in the good people they are.
What is one thing that you wish you would have known your first day as a Nanny? On my first day as a nanny if I had known how difficult dealing with each set of parents could be, I might have given it a second thought, but when I realize what each child has taught me, I really would not change a thing. Babysitting really doesn’t teach you long term dealing with parents!
What is your daily nanny life like? Daily life is the same and different all at the same time. I don’t always know how each day is going to go. If the twin teens are not home (away at camp or vacation) it is calmer and I don’t have to do as much. If they are around it is way higher stress from them and the mom (especially). The dad is usually the only one that I can count on being the same from day to day. I do a lot of driving and errands for the household.
Are you involved in the nanny industry? (organizations, conferences, yahoogroups, blogging, websites etc.) I have been a member of the Association of DC Area Nannies (ADCAN) for 4 + years. I love the educational opportunities that have become available to me through being a member. I have attended Nannypalooza and the 1st Annual National Nanny Training Day (NNTD). I love the opportunity to meet and learn from other nannies and businesses in the industry. All jobs can be frustrating and attending these workshops/conferences gives me the boost/pick me up that is sometimes needed. I belong to Nanny Island and receive Regarding Nannies and other blogs.
What is something others may be surprised to know about you?Unless you know me well, you might be surprised by my love of dragons, I love

the Maryland Renn Fair and have several pieces from there and also from a great artist Carrie Rutherford of Dragon Folk Studios. I find although they are fantasy creatures, that they hold for me a very protective, loving nature, which I think when it comes to the children I care for, I also have.
If you weren’t in the nanny industry, what do would be doing? If I was not a nanny, I can honestly say I am not sure what I would be doing. I might work in an office as a secretary or in the grocery store business (as that was my first job, bagger/cashier.)
Tell us a little bit about how you got into the nanny field? If not for the local paper and my lunch break in that business (grocery store), I would not be a nanny today. An agency from down here in the DC metro area had a recruiter type person who placed an ad and I called the number and 2 weeks later I had sent in an application and had several phone interviews and had moved to Arlington, VA for my first nanny job
What is the most important piece of advice you can share with our readers? I think if you are not a nanny and you are considering becoming one, it can be the most rewarding career out there, however, you have to be patient, understanding and an excellent communicator with the parents. They have their own ideas of how they want their children raised; you must be respectful of that.
What was your first job? I have as stated above been babysitting since I was 12 years old. But my first real regular job was as a bagger/cashier at Shop N Save (now Hannaford) in Biddeford.
When you aren’t working, what do you enjoy? During my off time I enjoy time with my husband (Frazier) of almost a year. I enjoy reading a variety of genres. I don’t think I have an actual favorite book of all the ones I have read but I do have some favorite authors, Charlaine Harris, Christine Feehan, Kim Harrison, Keri Arthur, Victoria Laurie, Annette Blair and so many more. I love movies and music also in a variety of genres. I enjoy cooking and keeping our apartment feeling comfortable and homey.
What advice would you give to someone considering entering the nanny industry. I think if you are not a nanny and you are considering becoming one, it can be the most rewarding career out there, however, you have to be patient, understanding and an excellent communicator with the parents. They have their own ideas of how they want their children raised, you must be respectful of that.
What’s your favorite book that you’ve ever read? I don’t think I have an actual favorite book of all the ones I have read but I do have some favorite authors, Charlaine Harris, Christine Feehan, Kim Harrison, Keri Arthur, Victoria Laurie, Annette Blair and so many more.
Where would you take your dream vacation? My dream vacation is to go to Scotland!