It has been two weeks since Hurricane Sandy devastated thousands of people from New Jersey to New York with her powerful winds and rain. I just heard that a friend got her power back on today, after two weeks without it on Long Island. The other part is that her daughter turned 1 month old today. What a way to be introduced to the world.
Our NannyFusion member, Be the Best Nanny Newsletter shared some great information on being a nanny and having no power while caring for the kids. Stephanie Felzenberg, owner and editor, was also affected by Hurricane Sandy in her area of New Jersey.
Has the power ever gone out at the house you are nannying at? Wonder what to do with the potential hours of no power? Here are some awesome ideas from Be the Best Nanny Newsletter on having fun with no power!
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How to Have Fun with Kids When the Power Goes Out
Stephanie shares an extensive list of items to be prepared for caring for children and yourself during a Hurricane or any other natural weather disaster that can occur.
Hurricane Sandy is on it’s way and expected to affect over 24-million Americans. Last year at this time in the North East we had a freak snow storm that pulled down power lines and my family and many others didn’t have power for many weeks. I am packing a bag to take with me to work on Monday in case I cannot make it home Monday night. And after experiencing the stress of last year’s storm I want to be prepared for power loss and possible contaminated water.
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Nannies and Au Pairs Are You Prepared to Care for the Kids During Hurricane Sandy?
Were you affected by Hurricane Sandy? What did you all do to pass the time while the power was out?