Here it is the final “Best of Regarding Nannies 2012”, I love the Financial Fridays as it covers almost every aspect of the nanny industry and one’s personal life. With the start of a new year, you may have been waiting to do things differently, here are a few posts to do just that. Change some things you have been wanting to do. Just do it…as Nike says!
New and inventive way to assure a Nanny’s pay tired of asking time and time again to get paid…Hello Square!
Rewriting your Financial Story Great read on how to rewrite your financial life today and tomorrow..
Reaching Financial Goals and Travelling another way to reach those goals and travel too
Nannies, Credit Cards, Cash and household expenses Looking for a new way for you and your nanny family to cover household expenses?
Tax Records and The Newborn Care Specialist Need some advice on tax records as a Newborn Care Specialist?