Meet Nanny You was started over at the CincyNanny Blog to introduce and connect local nannies. Greta Schrear brought it to Regarding Nannies in hopes of doing the same with our readers on a larger and worldwide level. We have found attending national conferences and local nanny gatherings that we can have so much in common with the many of nanny professionals we meet. There is an instant appreciation, respect and understanding that nannies have with each other. That being said, we are all so unique and extraordinary in different ways. We hope that the stories and experiences shared in the “Meet Nanny” series will inspire. Let’s meet Nanny Chelle today…
How long have you been in the nanny industry?
8 years (on and off)
What are THREE unique characteristics about you, that you strive to pass along to the children in your care?
“Creative – I am always teaching and having my charges think outside of the box when it comes to creating artwork or using items in play that are normally used for it’s usual purpose
Fun – I love to PLAY with my charges, I think it’s best for me to interact with them the best I can because after all, I am will them a lot and they need to trust and feel comfy with me.
Respectful – I respect every person and I strive to teach my charges just that. ”
What is the most rewarding thing about your career as a Nanny?
The hugs, kisses, and smiles I get greeted with every weekday morning. I also love watch my charges grow into healthy, happy, respectful, and responsible little people – know I helped mold them.
What is one thing you wished you had known your first day as a Nanny?
You HAVE to learn to stand up for yourself. In most cases, people who make their living caring for children are way too caring in all aspects of life and tend to be pleasers. I’ve learned that it’s important to know when to say no, and when to stand up for myself when something isn’t right.
What is your daily life in your job like?
I nanny for two year old twins and a four year old so I’m always on the go. On some days, J might have school and other days we might plan an outing with friends or on our own. My day usually consists of breaking up twinbling disagreements, teaching clean up skills, how to share, and most recently, potty training. I spend a lot of time teaching J how to be nice to her younger silbings (I can only imagine what it’s like to have two two year olds after my stuff). We like to cook, create, and be scientists.
Are you involved in the nanny industry? (organizations, conferences, trainings, yahoogroups, blogging, websites, support groups)
I recently joined ADCAN, INA and NAEYC. I do have my own blog and Facebook page called Nanny Chelle Says about my life as a nanny. I am excited to become more active in the world of nannying.
What is something others may be surprised to know about you?
I am 27, I look much younger than I am so that always surprises.
If you weren’t in the nanny industry, what do you vision yourself as doing?
When I had my non-nannying times, I worked in preschools/daycares. I will always play an active life in young children’s lives. Once, I decide I no longer want to nanny, I will most likely work in a preschool setting.
What is one of your favorite memories since you have been in the nanny industry?
The position that I now hold, I’ve had for almost a year and a half. I am hoping I’m not the only one who does this, but after I book an interview with a family, I usually scope out their community and home to get a feel for the area before I actually meet them. I did just this with my “now family”. I knew they had one year old twins and a four year old so when I scoped out their area, it didn’t add up to me because they were living in a small townhouse. I went home and talked to my boyfriend about how I wanted to cancel the interview because it didn’t seem right (I should add that I found this family through an online nanny site). He drove back over to their area with me and encouraged me to just do it. I listened to his advice and I am so glad that I did because this is the best family that I have ever worked for. They were only planning to live in their townhouse for a few months longer because they were looking to buy a bigger home, and they did just that! My bosses are the most respectable, and thankful people I have ever worked for.
What was your first job or other jobs you have held?
My first job ever was in high school at Dairy Queen, I worked there with a few classmates and had a lot of fun. I am a pro at making cones and I think I could even whip up an ice cream cake!
When you are not working, what do you enjoy doing?
I enjoy spending my time with my friends and family back home in West Virginia and the friends that I have made in Maryland. I enjoy making my home with my boyfriend of 2.5 years pretty. We have two furry kids, a cross-eyed cat named Charlie and a dog named Dave. I sell Scentsy in my spare time and take a few ECE classes from time to time.
What advice would you give to someone considering entering the nanny industry?
Do your research before taking a position and most of all, have a nanny contract. Research about your qualifications, area and what you should expect to be paid, there are many nanny calculators out there – USE THEM! Make sure you are fully happy with your contact and don’t be afraid to speak up if you’re not or if they’re not following the contract. You will fall in love with your charges and will be afraid of standing up in fear of losing them, but you sometimes have to set your heart aside.
When you retire, what you would you like to be doing?
When I retire, I hope I am a grandmother to many little people and would love nothing more to watch them grow and become adults – nothing would make me happier!
If you know someone or would like to be featured in the “Meet Nanny You” feature, please email us regardingnannies (at) gmail (dot) com