As a nanny, Legos occupy a lot of time for many of us. They also seem to breed at every chance they get and start taking over tables, bowls, and floor space. I recently found a super cute way to organize Legos for kids and wanted to share it with you.
Over at Somewhat Simple, they share a fun way to make a Lego Drawer. You know what that means right? No more biting your tongue, when you accidentally step on a lego piece that was left on the floor..as they can now be contained in this awesome Lego drawer.
Karen, one of my good friends, just celebrated her son’s 3rd birthday on Saturday. He’s a big Lego fan, so I thought this cute and clever Lego tray that Jaime from That’s My Letter made would be the perfect birthday gift. I had some scrap wood, paint, and polyurethane already on-hand, so the only purchase I made for this project was the Lego baseplate ($14.99) and the handles ($5.02). Here’s how it all went down for me…
To read the complete details on how to make this cute fun Lego drawer please visit: