I am always on the look out for new ways to save, so when I saw View Along The Ways‘ blog post on saving money I was excited! There are 35 great ways to save money from everything from vacation to kids. I learned quite a few new tricks too! I can’t wait to start putting them to use.
I stopped buying things just because they were on sale. This is a hard one for me because I LOVE a good deal, but I try to ask myself: would I buy this if it was full price? If not, I don’t buy it. Usually. Ahem.
We started buying for value, not just price. What I mean by this is, I would rather spend $50 on a well-made top that will last me years, than $20 on a trendy, cheapo shirt that’s going to fall apart and probably doesn’t fit well anyway.
We research EVVVVERYTHING. Last week I researched and read reviews before I boughtmakeup. When we have a big purchase coming up, like an appliance goes bad or something, we basically read the entire internet.