Our good friend and co founder, Glenda Propst has had her Nanny Transistions blog for a few years now and just the other week featured a new part of it, called Touched by a Nanny. This is a wonderful tribute to nannies who make a difference sometimes in silence and not widely known. If you want to know more please visit Nanny Transitions presents “Touched by a Nanny” for the details.
But today I would like to share the first two blog posts in the “Touched by a Nanny” series.
Touched by a Nanny: Mallette Parry, Julie Martinson,Monica Schoenborn, Connie Wegner
Julie Martinson, Mallette Parry, Monica Schoenborn and Connie Wegner are to be commended for their work in the local nanny industry. Julie and Mallette are two of the three founders of Twin Cities Professional Nannies (TCPN). Monica and Connie are long time members. All have served or are serving as leaders of the organization. I commend them for their dedication to strengthening the profession.
Touched by a Nanny: Clelie Bourne
Clelie and I have always had a “just call me with any question” kind of relationship. Whether it was a specific question about infant care or my need for a listening ear to work through a more complex issue, she has always served me as a most trusted sounding board. I appreciate her direct and honest approach. Sometimes I have found her guiding me to a conclusion I have known in my heart all along, as only a close friend and someone who truly knows you well can do.
If you would like to write about a nanny who touched your life……I would love to hear from you. Email Glenda at nannytransitions@gmail.com
Thank you so much for sharing this.
There are so many wonderful nannies out there who deserve to be spotlighted!