Today we bring you an extensive feature from Nanny Groups on Starting A Nanny Support Group. Nanny Groups are an essential part of the nanny community, providing, friendship, education, networking, mentoring, socializing and so much more.
We encourage you to get involved with your local group on any level or if there is not one available in your area, consider starting one! The information provided here will provide you with what you need to know to get started or give your current group a few new ideas.
Compiled by Joyce Farmer with help from nanny support groups from across the country.
Each Nanny Support Group must vote their preferences and build the group that their members want and need. The suggestions in this guide are merely ideas of things from existing support groups across the USA.This guide was prepared BY nannies FOR nannies that want to start a Nanny Support Group or who are currently running a support group for nannies.
No part of it should be reproduced without the permission of the National Association of Nannies.
Group Types: Social, Educational, or Playgroup
A nanny support group’s main purpose is to provide whatever support nannies need. It is implied that each group would provide peer support for their members, and provide a place where a nanny can vent about common problems, or discuss and get advice about specific problems. This is a very important service of a nanny support group: see section on Guidelines.
There are three basic types of nanny support groups, and infinitesimal versions and blends of each, according to the needs of the members. Questionnaires can be used to determine what individual members are expecting, or what they would like to see. The members of a group should vote in the beginning, and periodically, to make sure that the group is currently meeting the needs of its members, and make changes if necessary.
Read the entire Starting A Nanny Support Group Guide on the Nanny Groups Blog.