Many women start their careers as professional nannies in their early to mid 20’s. Often before they are married and have children. For the career nannies of the last 25 years, many of them were working nannies when they started their own families. Going from nanny to mommy, to working mommy/nanny is a huge transition.
Today we are talking with Andrea, Kristen and Penny. Three career nannies who also become mommies and continued to work in the profession.
Andrea had been a nanny for 4 years before her daughter was born in 2004.
Kristen had been a nanny for 19 years before her son was born.
Penny had been a nanny for exactly 10 years when she found out that she and her husband found out that she was pregnant.
Read how they handled the transition from nanny to mommy, to working nanny mommy on Gentle Transitions.