Our NannyFusion member, The Personal Touch Career Services shared this article with their readers last month on their blog, Salary history or no salary history, that is the question. Many nannies I know have often had potential families ask them what their salary history is and what they are looking for now. It is hard to know how to answer that question especially if you are looking to break into a “new salary bracket”. Donna Shannon helps resolve some of those feelings we have on what to do when this question arises.
Lately, I have been getting a lot of questions about employers requesting salary histories in the job postings. To help clarify this issue, here is an excerpt from my book, “How to Get a Job Without Going Crazy:”
Salary history vs. salary requirements
Your salary history states how much you earned in each and every job. A Salary requirement states what you want in your next job.
If the job posting requests a salary history, should you send it?
To find out why the answer is NO, please read the rest of the article at:
Salary history or no salary history, that is the question