Being a nanny means you are in a unique profession, doing something that hopefully you love to do. Are you an advocate for children? Are you passionate a
nd yet have patience for whatever the day brings you. My definition of a quality nanny means branching out to seek new and existing sources to expand your knowledge of in home – childcare. Being a nanny is an art form, ensuring you and the parents are on the same agenda. A nanny is dedicated to assuming an integral role within the family structure. She/he must possess a working knowledge of how to understand individual and family dynamics in order to truly meet the desires and goals of the family. Communicative skills are essential to overcoming daily challenges.
Share your professional experiences with your industry peers, but also expound on your passion and dedication to a fulfilling career. Moreover it will permit you to have a voice in representing an industry that is developing our future. While the nanny profession has made significant progress in terms of salary and health care issues, I believe that unless wage and health care compensation continues to grow at its current rate, nannies from all levels could experience financial hardship and career instability.
The industry as a whole is lacking in providing a defined long term future with respect to retirement and upward mobility opportunities. Specifically, the stigma of “a babysitter” that is sometimes associated with the nanny profession can diminish the aforementioned opportunities due to misinformation and under representation by employers and the industry alike. Educate yourself, be an integral art in bringing the nanny profession to the forefront of the childcare industry.
written by Marni Kent
Marni is a career nanny with over 26 years of service, she currently resides in San Francisco, California. She has held jobs as a household nanny and baby nurse. She currently travels frequently with her executive employer and infant charge. She is the 2002 International Nanny Association’s Nanny of the Year. She authored the INA Mentor/Protege program. She is active in the nanny community and has spoken at the Denver Area Nanny Conference, INA conference and Nannypalooza.