Regarding Nannies just turned 3 this month and we celebrated by having a giveaway for the person who referred the most newsletter subscribers to us. Pat Cascio and Morningside Nannies was the winner with 13 new subscriber referrals!
The next big exciting thing to happen to us here at Regarding Nannies is that we are close to posting our 1000th blog post! That is a huge celebration for any blog in the blogosphere.
To celebrate we want to give you 1000 nickels! There is a catch to winning to these nickels though. We want to celebrate our 1000th post with having 1000 “likes” on our Facebook Fan page.
IF we reach 1000 “likes” on our Facebook Page by the time we hit 1000 posts everyone who is on our fan page will be entered into a random drawing to receive the 1000 nickels.
We will be hitting our 1000th post in September just in time for National Nanny Recognition Week (NNRW). What better way to celebrate then receiving 1000 nickels to celebrate the awesome profession of nannies.