For the past several years, I have been saving for the INA Annual Conference via SmartyPig. It takes money out monthly from my checking account and I love it! Start it and forget it! Many folks wonder how I afford to go to the conference yearly along with Nannypalooza as well as the blog conferences. Simple saving and not spending money on going out to eat all the time and buying things. I go to the movies on Saturday mornings for $6 at the AMC Theaters verses at night when it is almost double the price.
I ran across this blog post the other day and it was great! It had me thinking on other ways to save for what I really want to do, see and attend throughout the short and long term. There are tons of other links to articles as well to help you find your game plan and savings options.
7. Make tiny steps towards your goal every single day. Some days it seemed like we were in quick sand. We weren’t making strides towards our long-term travel goal and sometimes it seemed like we were actually going backwards (in between working and saving and paying off debt Murphy would occasionally show up and throw a wrench into our plans). But every single day we persevered, even if the only thing we did was check our passports and note the expiration date or scan our important documents into the computer.
To read more please visit Cash Only Living“s post at:
10 Tips to Afford (Nearly) Anything You Want And/Or Reach an Amazing Goal
What are you saving for? Let us know.
introduction by Alice Shaffer
Regarding Nannies Development Team Member