by Maryann Kamitian
Newborn Care Specialist and Former Nanny

I believe strongly in swaddling from the minute your baby comes home from the hospital. Swaddling provides security, warmth and safety. Swaddling is used to help soothe a baby. Studies have shown when swaddling newborns they will sleep longer and sounder with less sleep disturbances. This is an asset in my opinion for proper sleep training a newborn.

2. Graco Sweet Slumber Sound Machine
In my opinion good sleep starts with a few important items. A White noise machine is necessary; not heartbeats, birds or ocean. You should have it strictly on white noise. This is just the one I have recently been using but there are a few good ones out there. I only keep it on white noise and loud. It should stay on all night. I like using it even when I’m not on a job. It helps drown out other noises in the home when I’m trying to get my rest.

3. Summer Complete Coverage Color Video Monitor Set
A good monitor is a necessity. This particular model has a large flat screen to keep in parent’s room if they want and a smaller handheld model to have in the main room, bring into kitchen or for me as a Newborn Care Specialist to have if I’m in another location besides nursery. It’s important to have video to see why the baby is fussing. Could be just from them soothing themselves to sleep or something you will need to address like if their leg gets out of swaddle.

4. The First Year’s Quick Serve Bottle Warmer
This product is easy to use, simple and convenient. I personally like it over some of the other bottle warmers out there because there is one button to press. This becomes quite convenient when you’re holding a baby in one arm and you can quickly get a bottom set up to be warmed in the other. It’s easy to clean; auto shut off and can easily warm a jar of baby food too.

5. Nuk Juicy Orthodontic Pacifier
I’ve been using this brand more regularly. I find that it fits better in the baby’s mouth and has better potential to stay in. Baby’s need to suck and it’s important to find a pacifier that you like because you will be using it a lot. I personally use this one to help soothe newborns back to sleep and when I’m trying to stretch a feed.
Maryann Kamitian has been a Professional Nanny for over 15 years. Over the past year she has been transitioning into Newborn Care Specialist work. Maryann holds a degree in Early Childhood Education, a teaching certificate, is CPR & First Aide certified, has specialized training as a NCS, INA member, volunteer, and active in social media. She strives to provide quality newborn care as well as support for new families