“Turning Off Distractions”

In today’s world, it’s nearly impossible to get through an entire 24-hour period without a single distraction from technology. There’s e-mail, Facebook, text messages, and phone calls that cause you to HAVE to have your phone and/or computer on at all times.
I’m sure we’ve all heard about it being very beneficial to set aside an hour or so of our time each day to turn everything off, but for some this is just impractical.
I came across an article the other day called “10 Unconventional Habits to Live Distraction-Less” and in it I found two very useful tips on how to minimize distractions throughout the day:
1.) Turn OFF notifications on your phone: This is a great idea because I know for myself, anytime I see the red “1, 2, 3 & so-on” above my apps (iPhone user), I feel the need to check it right then and there, no matter what I’m doing. Because of changing the notification settings, I now only check social media twice a day, sometimes even less (only when I think about it). For those of you with an iPhone, you can do this by going to “Settings,” “Notification Center,” and then clicking on the app you wish to manage. If you use a different device, Google “turning off notifications on (your device name).”
2.) Set aside two times a day to check e-mail: For some this may be impossible, especially if checking e-mail is in your job description. However, if it’s not, choose two times a day to set aside for checking your inbox. I choose first thing in the morning and around 4pm in the afternoon. I set aside 20 minutes (although most days it doesn’t take that long) to read through and respond to e-mails I need to respond to. No more checking every time you receive a new e-mail, and you would be surprised with how much time this saves during the day!
These two tips have really worked for me, and I encourage you to try them out, even if only for a week, and see how much they positively affect your life. You’ll have more time to stop and “smell the roses,” and the most important people in your life will thank you for it, especially if you have children. ”
10 Unconventional Habits to Live Distraction-Less”: http://www.becomingminimalist.