I recently found the blog, The Nanny Journals, and Nanny Steph who writes it. I love how she has themed play and shares the “lesson plans” for nannies and others to have an awesome time with the kids in their lives.
My nephews who are 5 and 2 love firetrucks so I was excited to come across this theme play with Firetrucks called: bee doe bee doe bee doe. Do you have kids who love Firetrucks? Nanny Steph has books, activities, songs and even a joke to go along with the theme play! These are so awesome for those of us who are just “out of ideas” on what to do with our little ones.
What kind of crackers to firefighters like in their soup?!
((read to the end to find out!))
Be sure to sing a couple SONGS AND FINGERPLAYS.
Here’s a slightly different version of Five Little Firefighters from JDaniel4’s Mom:
Five little firefighters (show five fingers)
Sleeping in a row. (rest cheeks on hands and close eyes)
Ring goes the bell-