As a nanny of 20 years, my first job was found in the local want ads of the newpaper, then I moved to nanny agencies for 19 years. This week I got a job via an online site. It was to be temporary but it is not permanent. I have to say out of all the options, having a brick and mortar nanny agency assist me is still my preferred method of finding a job. Our friends over at HomeWork Solutions has a simple 3 step process to choosing the right agency for you. Make sure you check it out. This list is for families hiring nannies and other childcare providers-but honestly it applies to the caregiver choosing an agency to work with as well. Do you agree?
Do you agree or have other steps to add to the list?
The overabundance of options, however, can be difficult to navigate and understand. Fear not, though! Finding the agency that meets your family’s needs all but sets you up for success in the search for the perfect nanny. These three easy steps will help you ensure that the agency you choose is the right match.
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I will show you as the author.