As the year is coming to a close, we find a lot of nannies looking for jobs as their positions are ending in 2012. It has been increasingly difficult industry to find nanny positions as the competition has been increasing over the past years.
NannyFusion member, Donna Shannon of The Personal Touch Career Services, recently spoke at the Domestic Estate Managers Association Convention and shared some Resume Tips with attendees there. She shares awesome insights on your resume and job searches with her blog and her consultant services.
- Private service resumes are more comprehensive and detailed than resumes geared towards business careers. Your resume may easily fill 2-3 pages.
- Include a good picture of yourself in business attire, ideally with high resolution.
- Always read carefully for grammar and spelling mistakes – these are deadly errors.
to read the entire list of Resume Tips please visit:
Private Service Resume tips
You can also read more of Donna’s articles here on Regarding Nannies by the following links:
The Art of the Business Card
Practical tips for phone interviews
Do you suffer from Shrinking World Syndrome?
10 resolutions every job seeker should have
NannyFusion: Get to know Donna Shannon of The Personal Touch Career Services
Great Resources for Interviewing Skills