Mallette shared with us last month some fun ideas through September Learning Time. This month she returns with a bunch of fun activities involving leaves and Fall Poetry. The cold weather has definitely started the leaves changing colors which is great for some of the activities below. But don’t fear if you don’t have leaves, you can make your own!
- http://www.messforless.net/
2011/11/fall-leaves-using- black-glue.html - http://littlewondersdays.
blogspot.com/2011/08/back-to- school-fall-friday-fun.html - http://www.icanteachmychild.com/2010/09/family-handprint-apple-tree/
- http://www.
growingajeweledrose.com/2012/ 08/www.growingajeweledrose. com. fallactivitiesandcraftsforkids .html - http://artfulparent.typepad.
com/artfulparent/2011/11/leaf- doodles-and-mandalas.html - http://myblessedlife.net/2011/
09/fall-kids-crafts.html - http://www.apples4theteacher.com/holidays/fall/kids-poems-rhymes/
To make the craft Yarn Tree in the above picture:
- take your child’s arm and hand and put orange, brown or green paint on it to make the “trunk” of the tree.
- Then either cut up various pieces of yarn to create the leaves.
- If child is old enough to use scissors, with supervision, have them cut whatever size yarn they want for the leaves.
- Have the child paste/glue them on the “tree trunk” or even the ground for fallen leaves.
Fall Button Trees:
- You will need some sort of canvas or even a piece of cardboard covered in white paper for the base.
- Various sizes and shapes of buttons for the “leaves”
- Twigs & Sticks to form the tree trunk and branches
- Glue Gun or glue
- After collecting everything, you will want to use a glue gun or heavy glue to adhere the “trunk & branches” to the canvas.
- Then you let the kids glue the buttons all over the tree branches to create their Fall tree. They can layer the buttons in sizes, by color or whatever they decide.
- Let dry overnight
- Enjoy this beautiful new piece of artwork for your home.
If you do any of the activities let us know as well as the author of the activity. If you find any other great things let us know here in the comments so others can try them out too!
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