In honor of National Nanny Recognition Week we gave YOU, the public an opportunity to give a shout out to your favorite nanny. The response was overwhelming! Thank You for these messages, an
d to all nannies – know you are appreciated, loved and respected by your sisterhood of nannies!
Thank you to all the nanny group leaders and moderators, both in-person and online. We nannies don’t have a water cooler to gather around to discuss job issues, and your work gives us that needed forum!
Thank you to all the nannies in those groups, who have supported me and each other.
Thank you to Mary Clurman, who first opened up this world to me by somehow getting my name and sending me her nanny newsletter around 1991. Being able to connect with other nannies opened up a world of support and resources for me.
Thank you to all those who organize nanny conferences and National Nanny Training Day events, so nannies can meet and make those vital support connections, as well as learn new skills.
And thank you to the Regarding Nannies team, for creating this tradition of appreciation notes to nannies, who are so often the ones giving, giving, giving.
Nikki Ladd has been our nanny since my son was 6 months old. He is now 9 and a half and my daughter is 7 and a half. I thank God daily that we were lucky enough to find her and that she continues to be part of our family! Nikki is the ultimate professional nanny. She takes care of our little ones and is like a second mother to them when I am at work or out of town for work. She also takes care of our family, and I would not be able to function without her! Truly words cannot express what an amazing individual she is!
She from the beginning has taken a proactive approach to her responsibilities, looking for ways to help above and beyond the call of duty. She uses her creativity to put systems in place to help my children grow and develop. She is so warm, and my children light up every time they see her. She works so so hard. I see that and I hope she knows I never take her for granted.
Nikki organizes. She makes sure homework is done. She bakes cookies. She takes our little ones to the library and pool. She organizes play-dates. She tucks them in bed when we can we
cannot. She packs lunches and snacks. And so much more!
So to Nikki we would say, “We love you! We can’t imagine life without you! We thank you for ALL that you do for us!” We have recently added a puppy, Memphis, to our family and he thanks her too.
Tom, Alice, Cole, age 9, Gwyneth, age 7, and Memphis, age 4.5 months, Ivester
I would like to celebrate the nannies of Worldwidenannies. I have owned WWN as we call it for many years now. I think each person that comes to the group for a long time, a short time or any time in-between brings a knowledge and expertise to all the other nannies. I celebrate each and every one of you for making WWN a successful FB nanny group that will continue to grow. Happy National Nanny Recognition day wwn ladies you rock!!!Carli – I cannot express how important your friendship has become to me. Our long talks and chats mean a lot. We may have never met in person but I feel like I know you and you me. Thanks for helping me with WWN. I hope you know how appreciated you are this week during NNRW and always as a friend. Jenn
Shout out to the awesome nannies in my local community even though it is really hard to write down a note to all of the amazing nannies I have in my circle! Jeez, I would have to have started in January!!!! So, since nap-time computer time is very tight, I will have to restrict the individual ones!
To all nannies I have met in training’s around the country, in Facebook groups, playgrounds and libraries… and the ones I have not met yet (come and say hi!) I am cheering you and the work you do, because our work is noble, our work has a direct impact in the future, our work is indispensable and therefore, YOU are indispensable! Be proud and continue to kick arse 🙂
Janice! I can’t copy and paste the messages from earlier years, but I still want a statue of you somewhere in Massachusetts. Or a holiday at least. Your demeanor, your words of wisdom, your kindness are something I highly admire and strive to embody! I am forever grateful for meeting you during Nannypalooza 2010 and have you connect me to the nanny world through your amazingly resourceful monthly newsletter!
Ana, my most beloved pupil – or maybe that is not professional to say hahaha. But it was so amazing working with you and seeing you land that wonderful position! I love meeting people who are open to all the amazing things the universe have in place for them, and so courageous to take the leap of faith and try new things when older ones aren’t working. I am so proud of you <3
Paty!!!!!! My relatively newest nanny BFF! SO excited to have met you earlier this year and boy, oh boy, your aspirations, determination and purposes are quite the “source energy.” I love how passionate you are about babies and your goals and I can’t wait to see your BAD ASS* (it is an inside joke, please don’t edit out =D ) shining all over with your business in the next few months! Let’s do this!!!!!!!
Devon and Erin, my close friends and co-hosts of NDR, I feel blessed to have resourceful nannies to work with in our various project that have the goal of inform and support our fellow nannies in the industry. Thank you for sharing this passion and help with the workload of changing the world by supporting one nanny and employer at a time 🙂
Sue Downey, for all of your hard work and commitment in professional development for nannies! Either through Nannypalooza, or handling NNTD shenanigans from all over the country, I salute you!
Sheri Lopes, you have been an inspiration to me ever since I came across your NOTY announcement. I truly appreciate all the mentoring and patience you provided me during the process of the NOTY application over the last holidays. It was a last minute decision and I wanted to get it all done in a week, and have I not had an amazing and caring lady to answer all of my bazillion questions, I am not sure if I would have succeeded in creating that portfolio I am now so proud of. Thank you!
To all the nannies in my active community groups, either The Nanny Breakfast Club or my Matahari sisters thank you for your awesomeness, and badassery on your path to a better community involvement, legislation, personal and professional growth. Thank you for being part of a community where we come together to lift each others up!
Cheers to ALL NANNIES! ~ Thaty
I would like to take this opportunity to say a few words about my daughter, Daphne Taylor, who has been a nanny for several families; but most recently, she is a nanny for 5 year- old twins… a boy and a girl. She has been with them since birth and she gives tirelessly and unselfishly of her time, sometimes 24/7 for days on end. Sometimes, it must seem to her, a thankless job when this profession doesn’t get the appreciation it deserves for all the hard work and attention given to these children.
She has incorporated, during her time with them, a preschool, of sorts, which she has given them the fundamentals of basic education before they began preschool and kindergarten away
from home. She cares for them when they are ill and tries with all her heart to keep them happy and to let them know that they are truly loved by her.
Even though she is my daughter, I have been with her on occasion with the children and I truly admire her patience for all kinds of situations, which can present themselves at any given time. Even if she weren’t my daughter, I could say the same things about her even in her presence, which I do quite often.
And although every day is different in their actions, behavior and individual personalities, she remains constant and kindhearted in all her decisions regarding them. And when there may be times when they may not show their love for her at all times, at the end of day they can’t get or give enough hugs, when it’s time for her to go home. The smile on their faces, when she arrives each morning, is priceless. I know…I have been there!
Thank you for allowing me to share about Daphne Lynn Taylor. She is truly a remarkable woman. And thank you for “Nanny Appreciation Week”.
Debbie Hilliard-
Not only are you a great nanny, but a fantastic mom.
-your favorite daughter xo
Jenn Maier-
I’m so glad I met you and you are now such a great friend and huge part of my life! I can’t wait to (eventually) have this wedding with you there by my side! xo
Benita Edgerton-
I’m go glad you found our nanny group and have really become involved! I love your spunk! You are so fun to be around! The pictures you post of your nanny kids, you always have so much fun! xo
Stephanie Eddy-
I am so glad I got to meet you through “our girls”. You’ve been a great connection and friend through my entire time with the girls. They still miss you! I hope you’re enjoying your new home!
Sarah Ulmer (Spencer)-
Yeah, not sure I’ll ever get used to that new last name 😉 You’re such a joy to be around and you’re so great with your nanny kids! Thanks for some awesome play dates!
Jill Skidmore-
Sweet Jill, you are a joy to be around! You light up any room and always make me laugh! Thanks for always inviting and including everyone! xo
This is to all of you incredibly passionate, caring, committed, nurturing nannies out there who are caring for our future.
This week is National Nanny Recognition Week
…..don’t wait for someone else to go out and celebrate YOU!
Celebrate Yourself! Celebrate with your other nanny friends.
Stand loud and proud and let the world know that you love your job!
Connecting with other nannies is such a crucial part of your professional growth.
I simply cannot sit and name all the names of the nannies that have crossed my path and left a seed that grew into something that taught me, something that grew in me and something that changed me.
I can tell you that if you are reading this….you were one of them!
My professional nanny connections gave me roots and the confidence to have wings and for that I am eternally grateful.
I want you to experience that and the way to do that is to reach out to other nannies and be kind and caring and supportive.
Educate by example.
Be the best nanny you can always.
Find someone to mentor, or ask someone to mentor you but don’t sit on the sidelines waiting to be celebrated, thanked or loved.
Reach out to a nanny who is struggling and offer support.
Love yourself, and love and support each other and encourage each other.
This is how you celebrate nannies!
~ Glenda
I want to thank 3 special Nannies. Kitty Formston in England, Jill Harris Griffin in the USA and Cecily Laing in Australia.
I really appreciate your friendship and support throughout the year.
Kitty you are an amazing Nanny to your older girls and always there to listen to my mad brain ideas. Thank youJill and Cecily although we live on different sides of the world you both take time to call and email. You both are fantastic Nannies and I am blessed to call you my friends.
Enjoy your special week.
Helen McCarthy
To all my fellow nannies, I want to say Thank You for being there for me in the most supportive, kind, loving way a person could ask for! Losing my husband was a big blow and the way you rallied around me means so very much! The nanny community as a whole is the best! THANK YOU!! Deb Phiri